
Thanks for signing up. I am stoked to have you here!

Welcome to Free Thinker at Large, a blog where I share my thoughts on various topics that interest me. I am a curious and open-minded person who likes to explore different perspectives and challenge conventional wisdom. I write about technology, philosophy, science, politics, open source, culture, gaming, books, shows, and anything else that catches my attention. Squirrel!

My high goal is to stimulate your thinking and spark meaningful conversations with you. My low goal is just to have a good time riffing on whatever catches my attention while, hopefully, entertaining you in the process. You can expect honest opinions, critical analysis, and respectful dialogue from me. I hope you will enjoy reading my posts and share your feedback with me.

Up in the top menu, you'll see a Discord link (or you can just click here). That will take you to a Discord I've set up with a variety of subject areas where you can chat and discuss with other members of this site.

Thank you for becoming a member of my blog and I look forward to hearing from you soon!